"This is my code, I have no idea how to put the data into the 'student_list' so that it will be saved there and then I can search for it later." Anyone knows how to do this?
nl, put_char('*'), put_char('M'), put_char('A'), put_char('I'), put_char('N'), put_char(' '),
put_char('M'),put_char('E'),put_char('N'),put_char('U'), put_char('*'), nl, nl,
write('Enter number of option you wish to do.'),nl,
write('[1] Add New Student'),nl,
write('[2] Search Student Record'),nl,
write('[3] EXIT'),nl,
write('Option : '),
read(X), nl, answer(X).
answer(1):- add.
answer(2):- search.
answer(3):- put_char('B'), put_char('Y'), put_char('E'), put_char('!'), nl, write('Program Terminated.'), !.
nl, put_char('*'), put_char('A'), put_char('D'), put_char('D'), put_char(' '), put_char('S'), put_char('T'),
put_char('U'),put_char('D'),put_char('E'), put_char('N'),put_char('T'), put_char('*'), nl, nl,
write('Enter ID Number :'),tab(1),read(Idnumber),
write('Enter First Name :'),tab(1),read(Firstname),
write('Enter Last Name :'),tab(1),read(Lastname),
write('Enter Course :'),tab(1),read(Course),
write('Enter Year :'),tab(1),read(Year),
write('Enter Section :'),tab(1),read(Section),
write('Enter number of subjects: '),read(Subjects),
write('Student Profile:'),nl,nl,
write('ID Number :'),tab(1),write(Idnumber),nl,
write('Name :'),tab(1),write(Lastname),write(', '),write(Firstname), nl,
write('Course :'),tab(1),write(Course), nl,
write('Year and Section :'),tab(1),write(Year),write(' - '),write(Section), nl,
write('Number of Subjects: '), write(Subjects), nl,
Total is Subjects*5000,
write('Total Payment for Subjects Taken: '), write(Total), nl,
nl, write('Add New Student? [yes/no]: '), read(Y), answer2(Y).
answer2(yes):- add.
answer2(no):- main.
nl, put_char('*'), put_char('S'), put_char('E'), put_char('A'), put_char('R'), put_char('C'), put_char('H'),
put_char(' '),put_char('S'),put_char('T'), put_char('U'),put_char('D'), put_char('E'), put_char('N'),
put_char('T'),put_char('*'), nl, nl,
write('Enter Id Number of Student: '),
write('Student Profile: '), nl,
write('Name :'),tab(1),write(Ln),write(', '),write(Fn), nl,
write('Course :'),tab(1),write(Co), nl,
write('Year and Section :'),tab(1),write(Ye),write(' - '),write(Sec), nl,
write('Number of Subjects: '), write(Sub), nl,
write('Total Payment for Subjects Taken: '), write(Tot), nl,
nl, write('Search Again? [yes/no]: '), read(Z), answer3(Z).
answer3(yes):- search.
answer3(no):- main.
You could use assertz to insert a fact into the Prolog database:
(NB. you may need to use the directive :- dynamic(student_list/8).
at the top of the code if you put any student_list(...)
examples in your source code).