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how to loop over fyne.CanvasObject in fyne in golang

the question is. i have NewVScroll in the NewVScroll i have NewVBoxLayout in NewVBoxLayout i have NewButton . the problem is when i press the NewButton it should loop over NewVScroll and then loop over NewVBoxLayout to find NewButton . but i don't know how to do it in fyne because i can't loop over var v1 fyne.CanvasObject

the error is : cannot range over v1 (variable of type fyne.CanvasObject)

this is the code

package main

import (


var cEntries *fyne.Container

func FindObject(object fyne.CanvasObject, objects []fyne.CanvasObject) (int, bool) {
    for k1, v1 := range objects {
        for _, v2 := range v1 {// the problem is here. i can't loop over fyne.CanvasObject
            if v2 == object {
                return k1, true
    return 0, false

func w1() *fyne.Container {
    wb := widget.NewButton("", nil)

    wb.OnTapped = func() {
        index, isin := FindObject(wb, cEntries.Objects)
        fmt.Println(index, isin)

    return container.New(layout.NewVBoxLayout(), wb)

func main() {
    a := app.New()
    w := a.NewWindow("")

    wbAdd := widget.NewButton("+", nil)
    cEntries = container.New(layout.NewVBoxLayout(), wbAdd, w1())

    wbAdd.OnTapped = func() {

    wsEntries := container.NewVScroll(cEntries)



  • The object is a container, so in general you could iterate v1.(*fyne.Container).Objects.

    However it looks like you could avoid looping in your code because the button always refers to an index that is set when the button is added - so you could pass the current index (length) to w1 and then increment it.