I have a helpText widget in a shinydashboard box in my shiny app. A helpText outside a shinydashboard::box() can easily be formatted, however, in the box(), new lines as well as other HTML elements, are not respected. please find below my code and the image I currently am getting.
validation_rules_text_cas<-helpText('Please enter one string per line.', # ----
"A CAS Registry Number includes up to 10 digits which are separated in 3 hyphens.",
'- The first part of the number, starting from the left, has 2 to 7 digits',
'- The second part has 2 digits',
'- The final part consists of a single check digit.')
validation_rules_text_inchikey<-helpText('Please enter one string per line.',
"International Chemical Identifier KEY validation rules. InChIKey consists of several distinct components:",
"- 14 characters resulting from a hash of the connectivity information of the InChI,encodes molecular skeleton (connectivity),",
"- followed by a hyphen,",
"- followed by 8 characters resulting from a hash of the remaining layers of the InChI,",
"- Encodes proton positions (tautomers), stereochemistry, isotopomers, reconnected layer,",
"- followed by a single character indicating the kind of InChIKey,",
"- followed by a single character indicating the version of InChI used,",
"- another hyphen,",
"- followed by single character indicating protonation.(Source: Wikipedia).",
tabPanel("Batch Search", #----
column(7,# helpText----
box(title=' CAS Validation Rules',width=12,
collapsible = TRUE,
status = 'primary',
box(title='Inchikey Validation Rules',width=12,
collapsible = TRUE,
status = 'primary',
box(title='SMILES Validation Rules',width=12,
collapsible = TRUE,
status = 'primary',
box(title='Validation Rules - OTHER',width=12,
collapsible = TRUE,
status = 'primary',
How do I add new lines breaks (tags$br()) or new lines (tags$hr())? Thank you
Based on this this answer, you can use renderUI
in the server function, and htmlOutput
in the ui. So for example:
output$validrules <- uiOutput({
p('Please enter one string per line.'),
p("A CAS Registry Number includes up to 10 digits which are separated in 3 hyphens."),
p('- The first part of the number, starting from the left, has 2 to 7 digits'),
p('- The second part has 2 digits'),
p('- The final part consists of a single check digit.')
box(title=' CAS Validation Rules',width=12,
collapsible = TRUE,
status = 'primary',