I have a Next.js application where authentication is set up with the Auth0 Next.js SDK.
is being set as an environment variable when deploying.
I would like to use Google Cloud Secret Manager to get the AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET
during runtime and set it using the initAuth0
I'm following this example: https://github.com/auth0/nextjs-auth0/blob/main/EXAMPLES.md#create-your-own-instance-of-the-sdk
But I can't figure out how I can await the response from secret manager when I need to have the secret ready for calling the method initAuth0({clientSecret...})
and I need that in place to setup the auth end points with auth0.handleAuth()
This is my attempt: /pages/api/auth/[...auth].ts
import { initAuth0 } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0";
const asyncHandleAuth = async () => {
const clientSecret = await getSecret("AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET");
const auth0 = initAuth0({
clientSecret // The rest of the config is set with environment variables
return auth0.handleAuth();
export default asyncHandleAuth();
After some hair pulling I found the problem. Next.js expects the export default function to be of type NextApiHandler
but I was returning Promise<NextApiHandler>
I solved it by wrapping it in another function that takes the request and response arguments and use them to call handleAuth before returning it.
This worked for me:
const asyncHandleAuth =
() => async (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
const clientSecret = await getSecret("AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET");
const auth0 = initAuth0({
clientSecret, // The rest of the config is set with environment variables
return auth0.handleAuth()(req, res);
export default asyncHandleAuth();