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How can we set permissions to a specific channel (

I've tried to set the permissions on a specific channel (defined before) but it doesn't work. I want the channel to be a specific one and not one based on await, send_messages=False)

Here's my line that I use to set the permission that doesn't work. Channel is the ID of a specific channel:

await channel.set_permissions(role, overwrite = None, send_messages=False)


  • You need to get the channel object with the id before you try to call set_permissions. Also, you can't mix overwrite with other permission kwargs.

    channel being the channel's id:

    channel_obj = bot.get_channel(channel)
    await channel_obj.set_permissions(role, send_messages=False)

    Instead of overwrite=None, send_messages=False you can do:

    overwrite = discord.PermissionOverwrite()
    overwrite.send_messages = False
    await channel_obj.set_permissions(role, overwrite=overwrite)