Here is my dataframe. I am looking to calculate the average of the current, voltage, and power of each switch individually.
switch12 switch11 switch10
Current [0.1, 0.12, 0.15] [0.15, 0.11, 0.13] [0.18, 0.17, 0.15]
Voltage [120, 118] [120, 116] [120, 117]
Power [12, 25] [18, 19] [21.6, 22.4]
looking to have the output be something like this:
switch12 switch11 switch10
Current 0.123 0.130 0.167
Voltage 119 118 118.5
Power 18.5 18.5 22.0
if there is another method which does not utilize pandas to help with this I am open to hearing about that too
Another method:
out = df.explode([*df.columns]).groupby(level=0).mean()
switch12 switch11 switch10
Current 0.123333 0.13 0.166667
Power 18.500000 18.50 22.000000
Voltage 119.000000 118.00 118.500000