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How to instantiate or add an item in a final List with copyWith?

What happens is that I have a class called Drawing with Equatable as follows :

class Drawing extends Equatable {
  final List<CanvasPath> canvasPaths;

  const Drawing({
    this.canvasPaths = const [],

  List<Object?> get props => [canvasPaths];

  Drawing copyWith({
    List<CanvasPath>? canvasPaths,
  }) {
    return Drawing(
      canvasPaths: canvasPaths ?? this.canvasPaths,

I know I cannot initialize the list itself in the following way canvasPaths = newList; because it is final, however I use copyWith to attach it to the variable I have created in the following way :

class DrawingBloc extends Bloc<DrawingEvent, DrawingState> {

  // Variable global in Bloc, like cached
  final Drawing _drawing = const Drawing();

  DrawingBloc() : super(const DrawingState()) {
    on<StartDrawing>((event, emit) {
      // ! i cant do
      // _drawing.canvasPaths.add(event.canvasPath);
      // ! or
      // _drawing.canvasPaths.last = event.canvasPath;

      // Create a new list
      final newList = _drawing.canvasPaths.toList();



        canvasPaths: newList,
      ); // using the copyWith but when i print...


        status: DrawingStatus.success,
        currentDrawing: _drawing.canvasPaths,

Result :

enter image description here

I would like to know why the copyWith does not show or does not work, I have to say that I use equatable because the list is compared.

But if I add it in the global class, it show this :

flutter Cannot add to an unmodifiable list


  • copyWith returns a new instance. it doesn't magically turn itself into a copy. so instead of

        canvasPaths: newList,
      ); // using the copyWith but when i print...

    you could maybe do

      var newDrawing = _drawing.copyWith(
        canvasPaths: newList,
      ); // using the copyWith but when i print...

    Though that wouldn't help your situation probably. I'm not familiary with Equatable but couldn't you do

    this.canvasPaths = [],

    instead of

    this.canvasPaths = const [],

    or is it required to be a const? Because if you leave the const you could do


    just fine