Assuming a list as follows:
list_of_strings = ['foo', 'bar', 'soap', 'sseo', 'spaseo', 'oess']
and a sub string
to_find = 'seos'
I would like to find the string(s) in the list_of_strings
(irresepective of the order of the characters)The output from the list_of_strings
should be 'sseo', 'oess']
(since it has all the letters from to_find
& all have a length of 4)
I have:
import itertools
list_of_strings = [string for string in list_of_strings if len(string) == len(to_find)]
result = [string for string in list_of_strings if any("".join(perm) in string for perm in itertools.permutations(to_find))]
To find how long does it take to run the code I did
import timeit
timeit.timeit("[string for string in list_of_strings if any(''.join(perm) in string for perm in itertools.permutations(to_find))]",
setup='from __main__ import list_of_strings, to_find', number=100000)
The process takes a while to give the output. I am guessing it is because of the use of itertools.permutations
Is there a way I can make this code more efficient?
If order doesn't matter, you can just sort the strings and compare the resulting lists:
list_of_strings = ['foo', 'bar', 'soap', 'sseo', 'spaseo', 'oess']
to_find = sorted('seos')
matches = [word for word in list_of_strings if sorted(word) == to_find]