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In Jmeter, Summary Report: Maximum Response Time and jp@gc-Response Codes Per Second total time taken Are they same?

In Summary Report Maximum Response Time was 538ms which means all the execution was done and its maximum response time was 538ms.

But in jp@gc-Response Codes Per Second we can see that total time of execution was 9 seconds. So now I assume that total time of execution and all the responses for that execution to be done with in 9 seconds.So max response time according to jp@gc-Response Codes Per Second is 9 seconds

Both result are different. So I would like to know how the maximum response time is calculated in summary report and can we consider jp@gc-Response Codes Per Second total time taken to get response as maximum response time.

Summary Report: Maximum Response Time and jp@gc-Response Codes Per Second total time taken Are they same ??

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  • They are not the same.

    • Maximum Response Time in the summary report is the biggest value of the response time recorded during the duration of the test, i.e. it indicates single slowest request
    • Response Codes Per Second shows concurrency per response code, i.e. how many requests were executed during this particular second of the test execution.

    In your case:

    • all responses were having HTTP Status Code 200
    • maximum throughput was 38 requests per second between 5th and 6th duration of the test
    • maximum response time for a single request was 538 ms

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