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use python variable to read specific rows from access table using sqlalchemy

I have an access table called "Cell_list" with a key column called "Cell_#". I want to read the table into a dataframe, but only the rows that match indices which are specified in a python list "cell_numbers". I tried several variations on:

   import pyodbc
   import pandas as pd
   cell_numbers = [1,3,7]
   cnn_str = r'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb,*.accdb)};DBQ=C:\folder\myfile.accdb;'
   conn = pyodbc.connect(cnn_str)
   query = ('SELECT * FROM Cell_list WHERE Cell_# in '+tuple(cell_numbers))
   df = pd.read_sql(query, conn)

But no matter what I try I get a syntax error. How do I do this?


  • Convert (join) cell_numbers to text:

    cell_text = '(1,3,7)'

    and concatenate this.

    The finished SQL should read (you may need brackets around the weird field name Cell_#):

    SELECT * FROM Cell_list WHERE [Cell_#] IN (1,3,7)