I have an application which project hierarchy like this;
I have an public class swift and ı want to get bundleURL :
public class AppBundle {
static var bundle : Bundle = AppBundle.initBundle()
class func initBundle() -> Bundle {
let podBundle = Bundle(for: AppBundle.self)
let bundleURL = podBundle.url(forResource: "ProjectApp", withExtension: "bundle")
return Bundle(url: bundleURL!)!
bundleURL return nil. I can not get it. How can I fix it?
I use .bundleURL to access bundleURL;
public class AppBundle {
static var bundle : Bundle = AppBundle.initBundle()
class func initBundle() -> Bundle {
let podBundle = Bundle(for: AppBundle.self)
let bundleURL = podBundle.bundleURL
return Bundle(url: bundleURL!)!