I want to change the date where the MRP Exception data (created using the Regenerate MRP process screen) cuts off (as of now, it seems to use the current business date). I found the following logic in the MRPEngine BLC, and I think this is where I would add an OR, using a custom field to add an additional date to the following BQL statements:
so - my question is, is there an easier way to add an additional date (ORed to the current business date) to the where clause in this method without re-writing the entire business logic / associated methods included in this call?
I think the only way will be to overwrite that function in a graph extension
public class MRPEngine_Extension : PXGraphExtension<PX.Objects.AM.MRPEngine>
#region Event Handlers
public delegate void MrpExceptionsAllDelegate();
public void MrpExceptionsAll(MrpExceptionsAllDelegate baseMethod)
//do your changed logic here