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why does my oauth access token obtained using google api client contains plenty of '...'

I am using PHP to get oauth token for FCM however the access token returned contains a lot of '....'

$client= new \Google_Client();
    $client->setAuthConfig(__DIR__ . '/service-account-key.json');
    $token = $client->getAccessToken();

    return $token;


The actual access token doesnt contain the asterisk(*), it used to be characters that i have replaced with asterisks to censor out the token.


Can someone please tell me why it is returning a bunch of '.'


  • Despite the access token being returned is filled periods(...), there is no issue using that access token to send a FCM notification. The issue that prevent me from sending a notification out is due to not following the correct payload format to send out the data.

    Ideal payload format

    $data = array(
                    "message" => array(
                        "token" => $user->device_token,
                        "notification" => array(
                            "title" => "New Task",
                            "body" => "Hi " . $user->name . ",\nYou have a new " . $ticket_description ." task to work on.",
                        "data" => array(
                            "notification_id" => $notificationMessage->id,
                            "item_id" => $notificationMessage->item_id,
                            "ticket_classification" =>   $notificationMessage->classification,
                            "ticket_segment_type" => $notificationMessage->segment_type,
                            "title" => $notificationMessage->title ,
                            "body" => $notificationMessage->body ,
                        "android" => array(
                            "priority" => "high",
                            "notification" => array(
                                "sound" => 'default',
                                //So that noptification can be sent while the app is killed
                                "click_action" => "FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY",