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Query that puts into a single column all of the matching values from another table

I need a query that puts into a single column all of the matching values from another table.

I have three tables that track schedules for people. A person table a Sessions table and a xref table of the schedules.

Person Table
PersonID    FirstName
---------   ---------
167196      Mark

SessionLive Table
SessionCode SessionAtLocationID
----------- -------------------
T4182       8105
T4183       8106
T4190       8113
T4179       8102

XPersonSchedule Table of the Persons schedule
PersonID    SessionAtLocationID
----------- -------------------
167196      8105
167196      8106
167196      8113
167196      8102

This select:

select Person.RecordNumber as PersonID, Person.FirstName
    , SessionLive.SessionCode
from Person 
join XPersonSchedule on XPersonSchedule.PersonID = RecordNumber
join SessionLive on 
    SessionLive.SessionAtLocationID = XPersonSchedule.SessionAtLocationId
where recordnumber = 167196

Gives me this:

PersonID    FirstName   SessionCode
----------- ----------- ----------
167196      Mark        T4182
167196      Mark        T4183
167196      Mark        T4190
167196      Mark        T4179

I need a select that gives me this instead. One row for each person with their sessions in one column cr/lf separated.

PersonID    FirstName    SessionCode
----------- ----------- -----------
167196      Mark         T4182<crlf>T4183<crlf>T4190<crlf>T4179

Please! Thank you!


  • This is a really ugly solution in old life-support versions of SQL Server:

    SELECT PersonID = p.RecordNumber, p.FirstName, 
      SessionCodes = STUFF((
        SELECT CONCAT(char(13),char(10),sl.SessionCode)
          FROM dbo.SessionLive AS sl
          INNER JOIN dbo.XPersonSchedule AS xps
            ON sl.SessionAtLocationID = xps.SessionAtLocationID
          WHERE xps.PersonID = p.RecordNumber
          FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
        ).value(N'./text()[1]', N'varchar(max)'), 1, 2, '')
    FROM dbo.Person AS p
    GROUP BY p.RecordNumber, p.FirstName;


    PersonID FirstName SessionCodes
    167196 Mark T4182

    This is a little simpler in newer versions (for background, see String Aggregation Over the Years in SQL Server):

    SELECT PersonID = p.RecordNumber, p.FirstName,
      SessionCodes = STRING_AGG(sl.SessionCode, char(13)+char(10))
    FROM dbo.SessionLive AS sl
    INNER JOIN dbo.XPersonSchedule AS xps
      ON sl.SessionAtLocationID = xps.SessionAtLocationID
    INNER JOIN dbo.Person AS p
      ON xps.PersonID = p.RecordNumber
    GROUP BY p.RecordNumber, p.FirstName;