I am trying to rasters by layer using terra
package. I am using the following code
# first create a raster
r1 <- r2 <- r3 <- rast(nrow=10, ncol=10)
# Assign random cell values
values(r1) <- runif(ncell(r1))
values(r2) <- runif(ncell(r2))
values(r3) <- runif(ncell(r3))
s <- c(r1, r2, r3)
names(s) <- c("a", "b", "c")
writeRaster(s, paste0(names(s), ".tif"), overwrite=TRUE)
It works with the following warning message
Warning message:
In tools::file_ext(filename) %in% c("nc", "cdf") || isTRUE(list(...)$filetype == :
'length(x) = 3 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
What does this message means?
That is a bug that you can ignore. It was fixed in the development version that you can install with install.packages('terra', repos='https://rspatial.r-universe.dev')
but it has not made it to CRAN yet.