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output a binary tree in preorder as a list in prolog

I am trying to create a list as output for a binary tree in prolog here is my code so far.

preorder(node(R, empty, empty),[R]).
preorder(node(R,Lb,Rb),[R|Ys]) :- preorder(Lb, Ys).
preorder(node(R,Lb,Rb),[R|Ys]) :-preorder(Rb, Ys).

My thought being that you traverse the tree and add the R to the rest list Ys. it doesnt work as intendet though

?- preorder(node(1,node(2,empty,empty),node(3,empty,empty)),Z).
Z = [1, 2] ;
Z = [1, 3] ;

This is the query I try to run and what I get. Prolog gives me all possible ways to the leafs, but I want just one list with all values in preorder, so basically the 2 lists combined([1,2,3]).


  • You can use the following code:

    preorder(T, L) :-
        preorder(T, [], L).
    preorder(empty, L, L).
    preorder(node(R, Lb, Rb), L0, [R|L2]) :-
        preorder(Rb, L0, L1),
        preorder(Lb, L1, L2).


    ?- preorder(node(1,node(2,empty,empty),node(3,empty,empty)), L).
    L = [1, 2, 3].
    ?- preorder(empty, L).
    L = [].
    ?- preorder(node(1, empty, empty), L).
    L = [1].
    ?- preorder(node(1,node(2,node(3,empty,empty),node(4,empty,empty)),node(5,empty,empty)), L).
    L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].