I'm working on an esbuild configuration and want to copy a file (manifest.json
) to a specific folder when I build my project for testing purposes. I included the copy plugin into my esbuild-config.mjs
import esbuild from "esbuild";
import process from "process";
import builtins from 'builtin-modules'
import copy from 'esbuild-plugin-copy';
const prod = (process.argv[2] === 'production');
const baseConfig = {
// ...
const testVaultPluginFolder = 'test-vault/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-sample-plugin/';
const devConfig = {
outfile: testVaultPluginFolder + 'main.js',
plugins: [
copy({ // <- This line causes the problem
assets: [
{ from: ['manifest.json'], to: [testVaultPluginFolder] }
const prodConfig = {
outfile: 'main.js',
if (prod){
esbuild.build(prodConfig).catch(() => process.exit(1));
} else {
esbuild.build(devConfig).catch(() => process.exit(1));
I can even Ctrl + Click
into the copy function in VS Code.
Then when I run it it tells me that copy is not a function:
$ npm run dev
> [email protected] dev C:\Workspaces\RNSS-Sample\obsidian-sample-plugin
> node esbuild.config.mjs
TypeError: copy is not a function
at file:///C:/Workspaces/.../obsidian-sample-plugin/esbuild.config.mjs:59:3
at ModuleJob.run (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:170:25)
at async Loader.import (internal/modules/esm/loader.js:178:24)
at async Object.loadESM (internal/process/esm_loader.js:68:5)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] dev: `node esbuild.config.mjs`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
I found this question where the copy (to clipboard) function produced the same error: devtools console: copy is not a function while on youtube
The problem was, that the DOM contained another element named copy that was not a function. Even though I'm not in a Browser here, I tried renaming the import.
import copyIsADamnFunction from 'esbuild-plugin-copy';
plugins: [
assets: [
{ from: ['manifest.json'], to: [testVaultPluginFolder] }
Same result:
TypeError: copyIsADamnFunction is not a function
at file:///C:/Workspaces/.../obsidian-sample-plugin/esbuild.config.mjs:59:3
When I remove the import I get
ReferenceError: copy is not defined
at file:///C:/Workspaces/.../obsidian-sample-plugin/esbuild.config.mjs:58:11
So the import imports something. And VS Code tells me on mouse over that copy is a function with one optional parameter returning a esbuild.Plugin
(alias) copy(options?: Partial<Options>): esbuild.Plugin
import copy
If I write copy.
VS Code even offers me code completion like apply
, arguments
, bind
and call
which all belong to Function.prototype
. How can copy
not be a function?
Apparently this was a bug in the plugin. It should be fixed in an actual version.
Beside this someone in this Thread provided a workaroud which worked for me:
Instead of
import copy from 'esbuild-plugin-copy';
import { copy } from "esbuild-plugin-copy";