bootstrap based Floating input place holder value not able to change. wanted to show some text as default like placeholder & should enable the placeholder/value area editable. Please help
<div class="form-floating mb-3 ">
class="form-control "
placeholder="Enter text here …"
value={"Enter text here …"}
<label for="floatingInput">Email address</label>
It's not intended to show placeholder, when using a floating label.
When no value is provided the label is displayed in the middle of the input and covers the space where a placeholder is normally shown. When value is provided label floats to the top corner of the input and below you can see your specified value.
Technically you need to provide a placeholder value, but it's not shown:
A placeholder is required on each <Form.Control> as our method of CSS-only floating labels uses the :placeholder-shown pseudo-element.
Here is a working codesanbox with floating labels and changeable value: