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IoT-Agent OPC-UA Docker-compose setting for NGSI ld or NGSI v2

In the docker-composer files of the OPC-UA IoT-Agent there are some comments unclear to me, in particular at the line is told to comment if you want to use NGSI-LD or to comment the line if you want to use NGSI-V2.

Reading the strings that should be commented out however, it would seem that it is necessary to remove the comments from both the lines to use NGSI-LD, and comment both of them to use NGS-V2.

Is my interpretation correct? Thanks for clearing it up.

PS: the same issue is present to the file docker-compose-external-server.yml


  • Setting up NGSI-v2 vs NGSI-LD is common to all IoT Agents. The Installation Guide describes the required configuration - default operation is NGSI-v2.

    If you want to operate NGSI-LD, the ngsiVersion and jsonLdContext must be defined.

        host: '',
        port: '1026',
        ngsiVersion: 'ld',
        jsonLdContext: 'http://context.json-ld' 

    ngsiVersion can be v2, ld or mixed.

    Both settings can also be set up using Environment Variables which is more convenient when using Docker

    Therefore, for NGSI-LD the following minimal set-up is required:

        hostname: iotage
        image: iotagent4fiware/iotagent-opcua:latest
          - IOTA_CB_NGSI_VERSION=ld
          - IOTA_JSON_LD_CONTEXT=https://path-to-context-file
          - IOTA_FALLBACK_TENANT=opcua_car

    For NGSI-v2 the following is required:

        hostname: iotage
        image: iotagent4fiware/iotagent-opcua:latest
          - IOTA_CB_NGSI_VERSION=v2

    IOTA_RELAX_TEMPLATE_VALIDATION is required for OPC-UA to allow the provisioning of OPC-UA topics with = within them which would normally be disallowed.