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'producer' type is unknown to ReactiveAdapterRegistry (WebFlux handler)

I have the following route in my application

public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route(UserHandler handler) {
    return RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.POST("/users"), handler::signup);

which is handled by the following method

public Mono<ServerResponse> signup(ServerRequest request) {
    return request
            .map(user -> {
                return user;
            .map(user -> tokenService.create(user.getId()))
            .flatMap(tokenDto -> ServerResponse.ok().body(tokenDto, TokenDto.class));

When I issue a valid request to the endpoint, the following error is logged

'producer' type is unknown to ReactiveAdapterRegistry

Having investigated the issue with a debugger, I see that my handler's signup method completes successfully, so I'm assuming the router doesn’t like the return value, but I'm not sure why?


  • I have the same problem with you, the same error. Finally I change the code using bodyValue method not body(T,Class),you can try this: ServerResponse.ok().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).bodyValue(tokenDto)