I tried to install OroCommerce 5.0.0 Community Edition on my Windows machine following these documentations.
Requirements etc. are fine.
but on Step 5: symfony console oro:install -vvv --sample-data=y --application-url= --user-name=admin [email protected] --user-firstname=John --user-lastname=Doe --user-password=admin --organization-name=Oro --timeout=0 --symlink --env=prod -n
Filling the database etc works fine, but when it comes to translation the installation fails and this error occurs:
In Filesystem.php line 190:
FilesystemIterator::__construct(/mnt/c/DPI_Projects/OroPlattform/orocommerce-application/var/cache/dev/..Ux0): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory
oro:translation:load [-l|--languages [LANGUAGES]] [--rebuild-cache]
This is almost all the information I can provide, since I did everything according to the documentation.
I have never worked with WSL and Docker before. It would be great if someone with more experience could help me handle this problem.
Thanks Alex
The Oro team recently extended the instruction with much more detail. Please start over to make it work. From what I see, the main issue is that you've installed the application in the Windows filesystem, which is way slower than the Linux filesystem. It may lead to many unexpected issues.