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Installing Oro on Windows with Docker fails

I tried to install OroCommerce 5.0.0 Community Edition on my Windows machine following these documentations.

Requirements etc. are fine.

but on Step 5: symfony console oro:install -vvv --sample-data=y --application-url= --user-name=admin [email protected] --user-firstname=John --user-lastname=Doe --user-password=admin --organization-name=Oro --timeout=0 --symlink --env=prod -n

Filling the database etc works fine, but when it comes to translation the installation fails and this error occurs:

In Filesystem.php line 190:

FilesystemIterator::__construct(/mnt/c/DPI_Projects/OroPlattform/orocommerce-application/var/cache/dev/..Ux0): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory

oro:translation:load [-l|--languages [LANGUAGES]] [--rebuild-cache]

This is almost all the information I can provide, since I did everything according to the documentation.

I have never worked with WSL and Docker before. It would be great if someone with more experience could help me handle this problem.

Thanks Alex


  • The Oro team recently extended the instruction with much more detail. Please start over to make it work. From what I see, the main issue is that you've installed the application in the Windows filesystem, which is way slower than the Linux filesystem. It may lead to many unexpected issues.