Below is the code. What i dont understand is in the Initial part he defined 3 things. choice, acceptable_range and within_range.
why did he have to define within_range?
def user_choice():
# Initial
choice ='thiscanbeanything'
acceptable_range = range(0,10)
within_range = False
#Two condition to check
#Digit or within range = False
while choice.isdigit() == False or within_range==False:
choice = input("Please enter a number (0-10): ")
#Digit check
if choice.isdigit() == False:
print("sorry that is not a digit!")
#Range check
if choice.isdigit() == True:
if int(choice) in acceptable_range:
within_range = True
print("sorry, you are out of acceptable range")
within_range = False
return int(choice)
If within_range
wasn't defined, you would never enter in the while
loop, you need to define it to false first to enter in the loop. Once you're in the loop, this value is defined depending of the choice
value (with the input