I'd like to make an external dart file (let's call it color_palette.dart), that have some classes of colors. These classes would be able to be changed by a menu on another page of the app. These colors would be used in all the pages to define the colors of Appbar, buttons, icons, etc... I don't want to use the theme() for it. I want to use some functions that can be used in a button (onPress : function) to change the colors.
Here is an example :
class myColor {
return Colors.red;
appbar : AppBar(
color : MyColor(),
very easy to do
void main() {
//change color A from red to purple
MyColors.colorA = Colors.purple;
class MyColors {
static Color colorA = Colors.red;
static Color colorB = Colors.green;
static Color colorC = Colors.blue;
appbar : AppBar(
color : MyColors.colorA,