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Dio Error : Http Status Error Code [ 405 ] Flutter

I am getting HTTP status error code 405 on sending post requests from the real devices but it's working inside the postman.

The URL is:

The following is the form data I am using

FormData formData = FormData.fromMap({
        'user_id': id,
            jobDetailsResponseModel.jobData.jobStatus == '8' ? 1 : 0,
        'job_no': bookingIdController.text.toString(),
        'sender_name': senderNameController.text.toString(),
        'reciever_name': recieverNameController.text.toString(),
        'sender_phone': senderPhoneController.text.toString(),
        'reciever_phone': recieverPhoneController.text.toString(),
        'sender_address': senderAddressController.text.toString(),
        'reciever_address': recieverAddressController.text.toString(),
            "data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64Imagesendersign,
            "data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64Imagerecieversign,
        'location': currentLocation,
      'images[]': uploadimages,
      'maked[]': makedlist,
      'model[]': modallist,
      'rego[]': regolist,
      'speedo[]': speedolist,
      'is_drivable[]': isdrivablelist,
      'goods_inside[]': goodsinsidelist,
      'external_condition[]': externalconditionlist,
      'interior_condition[]': internalconditionlist,
      'survey_image[]': surveyimagelist,
      'comments[]': commentlist

Here images field is a multipart form list. And doing requests as follows

final response = await Dio().request(
        data: formData,
        options: Options(
          headers: {
            "Accept": "application/json",
          method: 'POST',

also used the following code to check but still not working

final response = await Dio().post(
        data: formData,
        options: Options(
          // headers: {
          //   // "Accept": "application/json",
          //   // 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
          // },
          method: 'POST',

When I am sending the form without an images field then it's submitting perfectly and giving 200 status but when I am sending it's with an images field that contains a multipart form list then it's returning 405 status code. End giving the error like the get method not supported only support post method. I also checked the backend code but no error from that's side because it's giving an error before sending the request. I also checked if there were some null data that created errors but not a single field is null.

But when I am doing both cases in postman then it's working fine.

This is the postman link:

These are some images of the postman

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here



    Check this out I had a similar issue too before, and I also noticed that you are not adding your authorization token to your header which may explain why you are getting 405 which would mean you can't have access.

    I tried to recreate your issue on my end but the authorization token is expired, I'm getting a 401, but here is the code:

        void postSome() async {
            String base64 = 
    //This base64 is shortened     "data:image/png;base64,...+WZm/et53efvWO6Tuc6rH7kUXy1lxs+/61t7dMg6VAvURAAAAQHMQogDAbE6dlLXtft/F3cuvkJNbetbn7VWrpUUX+mvEtqdHvgAAAABoOf8P3x1uDPELl4UAAAAASUVORK5CYII=";
            FormData formData = FormData.fromMap({
              'user_id': 139,
              'is_collection': "1" == '8' ? 1 : 0,
              'job_id': "248",
              'job_no': "60036JL#1",
              'sender_name': "test",
              'reciever_name': "test",
              'sender_phone': "1234567890",
              'reciever_phone': "1234567890",
              'sender_address': "test",
              'reciever_address': "test",
              'receiver_signature_data': base64,
              'location': "32, Gopal Nagar, Om Nagar, Gopal Nagar Society, Parvat Patiya, Surat, Gujarat 395010, India\n",
              'images[]': "/D:/App/Logicwind/GitLAb/whiteboard-digitization/test_images/w11.jpg",
              'maked[]': "test",
              'model[]': "test",
              'rego[]': "test",
              'speedo[]': "123",
              'is_drivable[]': "1",
              'goods_inside[]': "1",
              'external_condition[]': "3",
              'interior_condition[]': "3",
              'survey_image[]': base64,
              'comments[]': "test"
            final response = await Dio().request(
              data: formData,
              options: Options(
                headers: {
                  'Accept': "application/json",
                  'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIzIiwianRpIjoiNTlkNzNlZjE4YzcxNGJjMWM1ZjE0ZGQxOWE1OWZmNmQ1YjVhNDViNDIwNzlkODY4ZmJkOGRmNjJlOGM4MDQzNmVjYmIxZjc4MjM5MmZiOGIiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjgxNzY5NTAsIm5iZiI6MTYyODE3Njk1MCwiZXhwIjoxNjU5NzEyOTUwLCJzdWIiOiI0NiIsInNjb3BlcyI6W119.lfnzUvq_LwYtBUQ-t6S_mKXEoM6er6ZzCuTUoHnqz9wwrdLOcu6x9CEixqMRvI-RWtSoiMO5KCYZsgagayGW5slYk6zAAa0V5fCjkRipqqus6mXe6nowtcXs_2V9ucjVoH4Evkb9lFBlE1rlpxKgcGXTcx4UgQs8kjJ5Wm4A8omedza_hUQPN9KUAfhhBDeL9hq-DkC7QbLu_YxnG5g-AETKhbJu8T4HWKqkh9NKGbNlvs1oi_nD81F1w8uSteY-UOgDJyUoGJxzoD6xmEv3J4mkrdr1ZbG88EzTyk3zngwBp9eWcLHhMS2psxArOnOnWusweJJ5uZiWiu2VIL7fWmV5b6G4OCvvkba5eXmw8iAvACACuCGQtOcGdN_euUgyfM9z9a8QbK8M2I-ux4GGY0ejCamFEJZCTwyBCxmLIrP4XjQoeL71WT1YBOgSZwDjA6qrAfL_fLwbEYQYbLIF8fLUmDOWRKBIaJLSVNG2x0Gl5LLXTiTZAzRRtJlSxZ4-Vid4hQJX39lohp-47XPAxvHnNTxiLw_aAG3SruFZ_rtdX4xnNbV3hSI825CD5dBeQC5iE-hiLXDWDXelM_q2fSD1rez62XQZGp1KfvlwowxAWgIghTfSH_E52h6mdoHEo9q73UJNYDz_F9Sj8EOfY3VWtmN6HMmcs4HZht36qX4',
                method: 'POST',