I am currently working on a program that takes in user inputs, and depending on that users input the string should change. I was wondering if there was a way I could alter the string once the user input has been received. The following is a sample code.
title = input('Title: ')
subtitle = input('Subtitle: ')
chapter = input('Chapter: ')
subchapter = input('Subchapter: ')
title1 = '/title{}'.format(title)
subtitle1 = '/subtitle{}'.format(subtitle)
chapter1 = '/chapter{}'.format(chapter)
subchapter1 = '/subchapter{}'.format(subchapter)
output_txt = title1+subtitle1+chapter1+subchapter1
Scenario 1: User Input
Title: 4
Chapter: 12
Subchapter: 1
output_txt should be
output_txt = '/title4/chapter12/subchapter1'
Scenario 2: User Input
Title: 9
Chapter: 2
output_txt should be
output_txt = '/title9/chapter2'
I have been using if elif but since there could be multiple combinations I do not think doing it that way is the most efficient.
Any help or tips in the right direction is greatly appreciated
Here's an approach that uses a regular expression for input validation and list comprehensions to gather the inputs and build the output string.
import re
def get_input( label: str = None ) -> int:
entry = input(label + ': ')
if re.match(r'^\d+$', entry) is None:
return None
if int(entry) <= 0:
return None
return int(entry)
tpl_labels = ('Title', 'Subtitle', 'Chapter', 'Subchapter')
lst_values = [get_input(x) for x in tpl_labels]
output_txt = '/'.join([f'{x.lower()}{y}' for x, y in zip(tpl_labels, lst_values) if y])
if not output_txt:
print('No valid responses given.')
output_txt = '/' + output_txt
The get_input() function expects each value entered by the user to be a positive integer. All other input is silently ignored (and None
is returned).