I have the following statements in Prolog:
capital("Brasilia", "Brazil").
capital("Washington", "EUA").
capital("Madrid", "Spain").
I'm trying to get all countries that do not speak a language. For instance, getting all the coutries that do not speak Portuguese would return EUA and Spain. I tried the following code:
notSpeak(X) :- speak(_,Y), not(speak(X,_)),write(Y),nl,fail.
However, it just returns false. Someone could point me where the error is?
Thanks in advance!
Prolog is a logic language (Programming in Logic, get it?)
You simply make the statement and let the inference engine do its work:
not_speak( L, C ) :- % to find countries that don't speak language L
speak(X,C), % - find a country that speaks any language X
L \= X . % - provided that that language X is not language L
And finding all the solutions is easy:
not_speak_all( L, Cs ) :- findall( C , not_speak(L,C) , Cs ) .
Giving us this program.
not_speak( L, C ) :- speak(X,C), L \= X .
not_speak_all( L, Cs ) :- findall(C, not_speak(L,C) , Cs ) .
speak( portuguese , brazil ) .
speak( portuguese , africa ) .
speak( english , usa ) .
speak( spanish , spain ) .
speak( english , united_kingdom ) .
speak( dutch , netherlands ) .