I am trying to create a gif of the movement of two circular objets.
Below is my choc.gnu file, where data_choc.txt contains four columns of the object's positions.
When typing in load "choc.gnu"
, it says that line 12 is an invalid command.
Any ideas why?
Thanks a lot!
set datafile separator " "
set terminal gif animate delay 1
set output 'choc.gif'
set xrange [-0.1:1.7]
set yrange [-0.3:1.05]
set size ratio -1
do for [ii=1:300] {
plot 'data_choc.txt' u 1:2 every ::1::ii w l lt rgb "red",
'' u 1:2:(0.051111) every ::ii::ii w circle lt rgb "red",
'' u 3:4 every ::1::ii w l lt rgb "blue",
'' u 3:4:(0.05) every ::ii::ii w circle lt rgb "blue"
In order to continue a command across multiple lines, you must end the partial lines with a trailing \
character. So
do for [ii=1:300] {
plot 'data_choc.txt' u 1:2 every ::1::ii w l lt rgb "red", \
'' u 1:2:(0.051111) every ::ii::ii w circle lt rgb "red", \
'' u 3:4 every ::1::ii w l lt rgb "blue", \
'' u 3:4:(0.05) every ::ii::ii w circle lt rgb "blue"