I have the following code and I want to compare 2 values and set rules accordingly, but apparently there is no consistency between the two, at least the comparation is not working issue was I want to make all timestamps stored in ms.
// Data Filed set in cloud fuction.
const expiresIn = 3600; // test 1h //172800 === 48h
const createdAt = admin.firestore.Timestamp.now().toDate();
createdAt.setSeconds(createdAt.getSeconds() + expiresIn);
premiumUntill: admin.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(createdAt).toMillis()
// Rules
&& request.auth.token.premiumUntill > request.time
&& resource.data.premiumUntill > request.time
request.time is a Timestamp object, not time in millis. It's not directly comparable to an integer.
If you want to use request.time in rules, you should store a Firestore Timestamp object in the document field for direct comparison. Or you can convert the rules Timestamp to millis first before comparing it to an integer.