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8 Day MODIS Raster to Monthly sum in R

I have MODIS data which contains 8 days product. Some of month has 3 images and some of month has four imgaes. So how I can build a R scrip to calculate monthly sum from this data

I am using the MODIS MOD17A2HGF GPP data set which comes as a 500x500 meter grid of the 8 day sum of GPP. The first file ends in _001 which means that it starts on January 1st and goes until the 8th. The next file, _009, then covers the 8th to the 16th of January and on and on. enter image description here

Now I want to sum GPP for months(January to December).

In this folder, it have 920 files (20 years) which every year has 46 files.

In ArcGIS, I know how to sum with raster calculator.But it will do so much repetitive works if I sum every month.

enter image description here

In R, I tried to do it just like this

a <- rast('MOD17A2HGF_GPP_2001_001.tif')
b <- rast('MOD17A2HGF_GPP_2001_009.tif')
c <- rast('MOD17A2HGF_GPP_2001_017.tif')
d <- rast('MOD17A2HGF_GPP_2001_025.tif')
GPP_January <- a+b+c+d

It will also do so much repetitive works if I sum every month.I don't know how to select the specified files of month in R loop.

I know how to sum annual GPP


GPP2001 <- list.files(pattern = '2001',full.names = T) %>% 
  rast() %>% sum()

But how can I sum monthly GPP per year in R or ArcGIS?


  • Get all files/layers

    ff <- list.files(pattern="\\.tif$", full.names = T) 
    r <- rast(ff) 

    For each file, extract the year and the day number

    # ff <- c('MOD17A2HGF_GPP_2001_001.tif', 'MOD17A2HGF_GPP_2001_009.tif')
    s <- gsub('MOD17A2HGF_GPP_', "", basename(ff))
    s <- gsub('.tif', "", s)
    s <- strsplit(s, "_")
    s <-, s)
    #     [,1]   [,2] 
    #[1,] "2001" "001"
    #[2,] "2001" "009"

    Get the month and combine with year

    d <- as.Date(as.numeric(s[,2]), origin = paste(s[,1], "-01-01", sep = "")) - 1
    m <- format(d, "%m")
    ym <- paste0(s[,1], m)
    #[1] "200101" "200101"

    Now you can calculate the monthly average like this

    x <- tapp(x, ym, mean)

    (to be more precise, the average for the dates in each month; that is not exactly the monthly average, but probably good enough).