I am trying to debug an error on my code, I am using Apps Script and I know my error is related to JavaScript. To be more exact, here:
agendaColaboradores.append('<input class="elementoFormularioMovCob" type="time" id="movCobHoraEntradaES' + colaboradorTrim + '" name="movCobHoraEntrada' + colaboradorTrim + '"' + 'onchange="teste()"' + '>\r');
every time I edit the input, the onchange
trigger works as expect. I know this because everytime I change the input value I get this error message:
Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list (at userCodeAppPanel:1:40922)
With is useless since I can't check what is the code content. If i click userCodeAppPanel:1:40922
it's just show me a blank script.
Nothing in this error seems to make sense:
<input class="elementoFormularioMovCob" type="time" id="movCobHoraEntradaESAlexsandroLuizAlbani" name="movCobHoraEntradaAlexsandroLuizAlbani" onchange="teste()">
This is the result of the .append
. A regular input element with no errors, it should just trigger teste()
but I keep getting this content.
Try it this way:
agendaColaboradores.append(`<input class="elementoFormularioMovCob" type="time" id="movCobHoraEntradaES${colaboradorTrim}" name="movCobHoraEntrada${colaboradorTrim}" onchange="teste();" />`);