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cargo build-bpf fails on ubuntu

rustc --version = rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)

solana --version = solana-cli 1.10.8 (src:623ac656; feat:1122441720)

npm --version = 8.5.1

node --version = v12.22.9

os: ubuntu 22.04 lts

after i run: "npm run build:program-rust" i am getting this error.

/home/[user]/.rustup/toolchains/bpf/bin/cargo: error while loading shared cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

same problem with anchor.enter image description here

i have located libssl0.1.1 there will it help me?enter image description here


  • Even though you have the shared object on your system, cargo build-bpf is probably not finding it since it isn't in a standard path. You can try the solutions at How to I tell Rust where to look for a static library? to tell the linker where to find the library.