I'd like to use some git credentials for only single command.
git -c remote.origin.url="http://pass:user@gitserver/GitRepo" push
But after doing that credentials are saved in Credential Manager (i can see them in Windows Credential Manager), and are used implicitly for the subsequent git push
How do I prevent storing them?
You might want to disable the use of the Windows Credential Manager in one of three different scopes:
In all cases, the answer is to unset the credential.helper
in your configuration, but how you do it depends on the scope.
git config --global credential.helper ""
and Git will no longer store credentials anywhere for you.
Once you've cloned a sandbox, you can disable the credential manager for operations inside that sandbox only with this command:
git config --local credential.helper ""
Finally, you can use -c
on the command line for one time overrides:
git -c credential.helper= <some command>
If you're going to disable credential management for a single repo, you'll actually have to use the -c
variant when you clone the repo, to turn off credential storage on clone, and the --local
setting in that sandbox, to turn off credential storage on push/pull/fetch operations.
If you change your mind later, you can undo things by removing your own config setting that disables credential management:
git config --global --unset credential.helper
git config --local --unset credential.helper
This way, you go back to the system default (that's manager-core
in my Git for Windows configuration, which uses the Windows Credential Manager).
Or, you can set your own credential manager choice explicitly, globally or in the sandbox, with:
git config --global credential.helper manager-core
git config --local credential.helper manager-core