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How can i Change tab item Content on Xamarin forms shell

I need to change one of my tabs' content depending on the condition of the user logged in or just a guest this is my shell

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Shell xmlns=""
       xmlns:views="clr-namespace:E_commerce_App.Views" x:DataType="views:TabContainer"
       TabBarBackgroundColor="#F7F7F7" BackgroundColor="red"
       TabBarTitleColor="red" TabBarUnselectedColor="Black"

    <Tab Title="Categories" Icon="menu.png">
            <pages:Categories />
    <Tab Title="Cart" Icon="cart.png">
        <ShellContent >
            <pages:Cart />
    <Tab Title="Profile" Icon="user.png">
            ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate pages:Profile}" />
    <Tab Title="Profile" Icon="user.png" x:Name="AccountDetailsPage" IsVisible="False" IsEnabled="True">
        <ShellContent Route="AccountDetails"
          ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:AccountDetails}">


and I want to change the profile tab to account details if I logged in I tried to change app.current but it draw to screens overthem


  • There are many methods to achieve this.

    1.You can save your user information first and access the information once page AccountDetails appears.

    For example, you can use Xamarin.Essentials: Secure Storage to store user information.

    To save a value for a given key in secure storage:

    using Xamarin.Essentials; 
      await SecureStorage.SetAsync("usename", "user1");
    catch (Exception ex)
      // Possible that device doesn't support secure storage on device.

    To retrieve a value from secure storage once AccountDetails appears:

           protected override void OnAppearing()
                var username =  SecureStorage.GetAsync("usename");
                // display your code here
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Possible that device doesn't support secure storage on device.

    2.Create a global varible in your app, them you can access this varible in your app.

    For example:

    create class MyVariables.csand add static variable for your model (e.g. MyViewModel ) :

    public  class MyVariables
        public static MyViewModel myViewModel { get; set; } = new MyViewModel { Name = "test1" };


    public class MyViewModel
        public string Name { get; set; }

    You can modify or access your variable in your app:

     // modify the variable
     MyVariables.myViewModel.Name = "User01";
    // access the variable
    Debug.WriteLine("the user's name is: " + MyVariables.myViewModel.Name);