Problem: I can open VS code and start typing but after ~30s (sometimes minutes) the window freezes showing this message:
I am using python on a jupyter notebook with only a couple of unspectacular lines which I don't show because I tried different content. Last time it crashed after about 2 min of just import pandas as pd, df = pd.read_csv(path_to_file), print(df)
I think it does not crash when I don't start typing but just wait, at least not as fast
Yesterday everything was still fine. Today with the same setup not.
System information:
Windows 11 home The only VS extensions installed are Python v2022.7.11331006 Pylance v2022.5.1 Jupyter v2022.5.1001351004 Jupyter Keymap v1.0.0 Jupyter Notebook Renderers Which other information is needed to help?
Attempts (not resolving the problem):
This is caused by the latest Pylance extension. You can revert to earlier Pylance extension to solve the problem. This problem will be fixed in a new version in a few days according to the github.