New to Rails, so please feel free to edit my question should I get the terminology wrong!
I've created my MVC via scaffold, but have since made changes to the underlying table (renamed some columns, added some columns). Is there a way to regenerate the views that were created with the original scaffold such that they reflect the changes I've made?
If I run rails g scaffold Foo --migration=false --skip
I get an error that my model name is already used in my application.
If delete the entire corresponding views folder (the one created by the original scaffold), and I run rails g scaffold Foo --migration=false --force
the views generated still don't pick up all the fields I have in my model.
You could reverse the scaffold generation and regenerate a new scaffold with renamed and new columns.
If you already migrated the database you will need to roll it back.
rake db:rollback
Then you can reverse the scaffold generation.
rails destroy scaffold MyFoo
Then generate new scaffold with updated columns
rails generate scaffold MyFoo column_name_1:data_type column_name_2:data_type column_name_3:data_type
Otherwise you can manually rewrite your views and controllers to include the updated and new columns.