I have the following equations of motion of a point:
I already calculated the velocities and accelerations but now I would like to plot a path in 3D for this data:
It should look like a kind of spiral.
I tried various commands to create this 3D plot but none of them worked. All the examples of 3D plots in wxMaxima that I've found are surfaces while in this case, I want to create a curve. Is it possible in this software?
Here are two of the failed attempts:
wxplot3d([x(t), y(t), z(t)], [t, 0, 45]);
wxplot3d([parametric, x(t), y(t), z(t), [t, 0, 45]]);
UPDATE: The command below works but the plot is incorrect for some reason (I attached it as a picture). Is that because of the characteristics of these functions? Do I need some additional input?
wxdraw3d(parametric (x(t), y(t), z(t), t, 0, 45));
UPDATE 2: I tried the following command:
wxdraw3d(nticks = 10, parametric (x(t), y(t), z(t), t, 0, 45));
and the plot looks better (only with nticks=10
But it's still not what I would expect. Here's a reference plot from a Polish book describing MathCAD use in mechanics (so I can't utilize the code presented there directly):
Maybe the problem lies in the fact that the authors of this book use some tricks ("auxiliary variables scaling the argument of the function") to obtain the plot. But I assume that it's only necessary in MathCAD. I can be wrong though...
If you know how to define a range variable in Maxima, I can try to replicate the approach from the book in Maxima.
UPDATE 3: Here's what was done in the book to obtain that plot using MathCAD:
define auxiliary variables scaling the argument of the function:
K:=0,1.. 45
for which the time domain is given by:
define the functions for plotting as:
And here's my attempt to translate this to Maxima:
assume(k >= 0, k <= 45);
wxdraw3d(nticks = 10, parametric (X_k(t_k), Y_k(t_k), Z_k(t_k), t_k, 0, 45));
Unfortunately, I get the following error:
draw3d (parametric): non defined variable
That's likely because of the way k
was defined. Can such a range variable be defined differently in Maxima?
I've adapted the code you showed and it seems to work okay with some modifications.
draw3d(nticks = 1000, parametric (X(k), Y(k), Z(k), k, 0, 45));
The major changes are that foo_k := ...
in the MathCAD code is translated as foo(k) := ...
in Maxima, and that the plotting variable is k
(which is constructed to vary much more slowly than t
) instead of t
or t(k)
Also I increased nticks
by a lot, and cut out the mention of t_k
since it doesn't come into the picture now.
By the way, I think if you say draw3d
in wxMaxima, it will launch an external viewer instead of embedding an image in the notebook (with wxdraw2d
, I think). You can drag with the mouse to rotate the plot in the external viewer, I think. That's helpful with 3-d plots. I could be mistaken about how to launch the viewer, since I don't use wxMaxima very much.