please help me to take input with fiber golang framework
<form action="/" method="POST" novalidate>
<p><label>Your email:</label></p>
<p><input type="email" name="email"></p>
<p><label>Your message:</label></p>
<p><textarea name="content"></textarea></p>
<input type="submit" value="Send message">
</form> ```
You can use c.FormValue
for simple forms, and keep in mind that the return value is always a string. So if you want to send integers as well you will have to manually convert them to integers in handlers. for more complex forms like sending files you can use c.MultipartForm
func main() {
// create new fiber instance and use across whole app
app := fiber.New()
// middleware to allow all clients to communicate using http and allow cors
// homepage
app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
// rendering the "index" template with content passing
return c.Render("index", fiber.Map{})
// app.Post because method="POST"
// "/" because action="/"
app.Post("/", handleFormUpload)
// start dev server on port 4000
func handleFormUpload(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
email := c.FormValue("email")
content := c.FormValue("content")
fmt.Println(email, content)
return c.JSON(fiber.Map{"status": 201, "message": "Created!"})