I am trying to run a Sketch
program using Processing 4.0
. The code is from FreeNove
I am getting this error
No library found for processing.io
No library found for processing.io
No library found for processing.io
Libraries must be installed in a folder named 'libraries' inside the sketchbook folder (see the Preferences window).
The package “processing.io” does not exist. You might be missing a library.
The code is snippt which seem to include processing.io
* Filename : Sketch_09_1_1_Motor
* Description : Control speed and direction of the motor
* auther : www.freenove.com
* modification: 2016/08/22
import processing.io.*;
int motorPin1 = 17; //connect to the L293D
int motorPin2 = 27;
int enablePin = 22;
final int borderSize = 45; //border size
Strange, normally Processing ARM should ship with the processing.io library.
If the install method the Freenove manual provides (curl https://processing.org/download/install-arm.sh | sudo sh
) doesn't work,
I recommend trying the official Download page and selecting the Raspberry PI CPU architecture that fits (32 or 64 bit).
In the past I had success using the Processing 3 Raspberry PI Image (which has Processing preinstalled): this could be a backup plan if you have spare microSD card (or don't mind flashing over you're existing one).
Even though it's Processing 3, hopefully the same processing.io
features you need will be available.