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Assigning pandasql output to new column in DataFrame

I'm using pandasql to get data from df1. Can I assign the output of query to new column in df2? I tried (df2['grade']=ps.sqldf(sqlcode,locals())) but this didn't work, which was expected because query output isn't directly series. Is there a way to do it? Thank you in advance!

import pandasql as ps

                   "max":[20, 20, 30],
                   "grade":['low', 'medium', "high"],
                   "class":['english', 'math', "english"]})
df2=pd.DataFrame({"score":([15, 16, 25]),
                          "class":['english', 'math', "english"]})

import pandasql as ps

sqlcode = '''

from df2 
inner join df1 
on df2.score between df1.min and df1.max and df1.class = df2.class

newdf = ps.sqldf(sqlcode,locals())


  • No need to assign the new column, you can directly get the desired output by tweaking your sql query a little bit:

    select df2.*, df1.grade -- Notice the change
    from df2 
    left join df1 -- Notice the change
    on (df2.score between df1.min and df1.max) and (df1.class = df2.class)

       score    class   grade
    0     15  english     low
    1     16     math  medium
    2     25  english    high