I have the following table schema:
user (id, name, alias, password, active, mail, age)
comment(id, news(FK), user(FK), text, date)
new_cat(news(FK), category(FK))
I'm trying to select all the users who have commented on AT LEAST one new
of EVERY category
This is what I'm trying without any success:
SELECT * FROM user AS u, comment AS c
WHERE u.id = c.user AND c.news IN (SELECT news FROM new_cat);
I believe this is not iterating properly and checking for EVERY category
and just checks if the condition applies just on one category
How can I properly do this?
Join the tables, group by user and set the condition in the HAVING
If there is a category
table where you store all the categories:
FROM user u
INNER JOIN comment c ON c.user = u.id
INNER JOIN new_cat n ON n.news = c.news
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT n.category) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM category);