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Determining whether a token is primary or impersonation using win32api?

Let's say I have a handle the following code

pid = 1234
pHandle = win32api.OpenProcess(win32con.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,pywintypes.FALSE,pid)
tHandle = win32security.OpenProcessToken(pHandle,win32con.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)

How would I determine if the process token was a primary or impersonation token?


  • process token is always primary token. so here nothing to determine. the thread token is always (if exist) impersonation token. so when you open process or thread token - you already know it type. all api which return token - return known from begin token type. only case, when you need determine token type (which is unknown ) - you enumerate process handles and try check token handles. for this you need use GetTokenInformation with TokenType, but really this is rare case, when you can need this. only for some debug utility.

    demo code on c/c++

    ULONG GetTokenType(_In_ HANDLE hToken, _Out_ PTOKEN_TYPE ptp)
        ULONG cb;
        return GetTokenInformation(hToken, ::TokenType, ptp, 
            sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE), &cb) ? NOERROR : GetLastError();
    void DemT()
        HANDLE hToken;
        if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken))
            TOKEN_TYPE tp;
            // we already know that token is primary
            if (GetTokenType(hToken, &tp) != NOERROR || tp != TokenPrimary)
            if (0 <= NtImpersonateAnonymousToken(GetCurrentThread()))
                if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken))
                    // we already know that token is impersonating
                    if (GetTokenType(hToken, &tp) != NOERROR || tp != TokenImpersonation)
                SetThreadToken(0, 0);