I am trying to insert a data frame row in a mysql table, but I have NA values in character and numeric columns. I'm getting this error: Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) : could not run statement: Unknown column 'NA' in 'field list'
This is my query:
sql <- sprintf("insert into payment (amount,payment_type,date,customer_total,base_price, p2c_total, partner_total, pay_online, pay_at_lot,tax,first_name_on_card,last_name_on_card,address)
values (%f, %d, '%s',%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,'%s','%s','%s');",
payments[i,]$amount,payments[i,]$payment_type,payments[i,]$date, payments[i,]$customer_total,
payments[i,]$base_price, payments[i,]$p2c_total, payments[i,]$partner_total,
payments[i,]$first_name_on_card, payments[i,]$last_name_on_card, payments[i,]$address)
rs <- dbSendQuery(db, sql[i])
This is the sql code:
insert into reservation (reservation_number, driver_name, number_passengers, checkin_datetime, checkout_datetime, days, reservation_date, reservation_email,id_reservation_status, id_payment, id_ship, id_facility, id_user) values ('j990j','CB', 4, '2020-01-12 10:00:00', '2020-01-19 10:30:00', 8, 'NA', '[email protected]',NA, 1, 2, 547, 6);
And this is the mysql error: #1054 - La columna 'NA' en field list es desconocida
MySQL version: 8.0.27
R version: 4.03
RMySQL package: 0.10.22
Three ways to look at this:
Don't sprintf
data into a query string. In addition to security concerns about malicious SQL injection (e.g., XKCD's Exploits of a Mom aka "Little Bobby Tables"), it is also a concern for malformed strings or Unicode-vs-ANSI mistakes, even if it's one data analyst running the query.
Conveniently, there's a function that takes care of inserting data from a data.frame
into the table in a safer way: dbAppendTable
. You might be able to do just
dbAppendTable(db, "payment", payments[i,])
if all of the columns need to be inserted, otherwise something more verbose is necessary:
dbAppendTable(db, "payment", payments[i,c("amount", "payment_type", "date", "customer_total", "base_price", "p2c_total", "partner_total", "pay_online", "pay_at_lot", "tax", "first_name_on_card", "last_name_on_card", "address")])
If you're planning on doing this for more than 1 row, then dbAppendTable
can take multiple rows with no issue.
If you really want to do one row at a time with your own insert
statement, then I strongly urge you to use parameterized queries, perhaps something like:
qry <- "insert into payment (amount,payment_type,date,customer_total,base_price, p2c_total, partner_total, pay_online, pay_at_lot,tax,first_name_on_card,last_name_on_card,address)
values (?, ?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"
dbExecute(db, qry, params = payments[i, c("amount", "payment_type", ...)])
(That reminds me ... dbExecute
is a nice wrapper that does dbSendStatement
always followed by dbClearResult
. There's also dbGetQuery
which is really dbSendQuery
always followed by dbClearResult
, returning the data. You aren't returning rows from the table, so the first is preferred anyway.)
NOTE: this feature requires an up-to-date driver for accessing the database. If you're using RMySQL
then there is a problem: that package has not seen substantive updates in years (as of now) and does not support parameterized queries. I believe the RMariaDB
package is both fully compatible with MySQL and it supports parameterized queries.
If you must really do this manually (and really, I discourage it strongly, too many times I thought I could work around the risks, only to be bitten each time), then R's NA
translates into null
(no quotes!). To do this, you need to conditionally add quotes. Something like:
ifelse(is.na(payments[i,]$date), "null", sQuote(payments[i,]$date))
for each string-like field in your query, and make sure to change '%s'
to %s
in your format. There are almost certainly better ways to automate this so that you aren't typing a dozen or more ifelse
s, but in my opinion it really is not worth the pain of doing that.
(If you're relying on different semantics of sprintf("%s", ..)
versus the implicit string-ification with sQuote
, then you may need even more elbow-grease there.)