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QRCodeVue3 - Load image into center of QR Code

Trying to load an image in the center of a QR Code on a Vue3 project. Been reading through the API documentation online and it appears I'm supposed to load it as a string through the "image" parameter, but every time I try to load the image by QR Code disappears entirely.

The page I'm specifically working through is here:

Below is the current working of the code:

  :qrOptions="{ typeNumber: 0, mode: 'Byte', errorCorrectionLevel: 'H' }"
  :imageOptions="{ hideBackgroundDots: true, imageSize: 0.4, margin: 0 }"
    type: 'dots',
    color: '#26249a',
    gradient: {
      type: 'linear',
      rotation: 0,
      colorStops: [
        { offset: 0, color: '#26249a' },
        { offset: 1, color: '#26249a' },
  :backgroundOptions="{ color: '#ffffff' }"
  :cornersSquareOptions="{ type: 'dot', color: '#000000' }"
  :cornersDotOptions="{ type: undefined, color: '#000000' }"

End goal I would prefer to load the image from my assets folder but I can't even get a simple image that works to load. I know it's possible because I see the examples QR codes on the npm page but no example code to demonstrate it.


  • Realized I needed to add the crossOrigin = 'Anonymous' as well as I implemented a v-bind to a url of my local image. Final working solution is as follows:

    New component:

      :qrOptions="{ typeNumber: 0, mode: 'Byte', errorCorrectionLevel: 'H' }"
      :imageOptions="{ hideBackgroundDots: true, imageSize: 0.4, margin: 3, crossOrigin: 'Anonymous' }"
        type: 'dots',
        color: '#26249a',
        gradient: {
          type: 'linear',
          rotation: 0,
          colorStops: [
            { offset: 0, color: '#26249a' },
            { offset: 1, color: '#26249a' },
      :backgroundOptions="{ color: '#ffffff' }"
      :cornersSquareOptions="{ type: 'dot', color: '#000000' }"
      :cornersDotOptions="{ type: undefined, color: '#000000' }"

    Loading image:

    export default {
    name: "HomeView",
      components: {
      data() {
        return {
          iconUrl: require('../assets/ravencoin-rvn-logo.png')