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.NET Core linq select overload index does not work

I got a linq lambda select code that works before I added the Select index overload. Before, I got the list of records but I need the index which I use to assign a unique Id to each record. When I add with ToList(), I get an exception with no error/inner exception. Only way I can get the code to not throw an error is to use .AsEnumerable() but I need a list. I read many post that .ToList() works with the overload but I have been unsuccessful.

Here is my code and my attempt to fix this

  var emps = this.DbContext.Employees
                        employee => employee.EmployeeId,
                        dept => dept.EmployeeId,
                        (employee, dept) => new { employee, dept }
                        employee_dept_left => employee_dept_left.dept.DefaultIfEmpty(),
                        (employee_dept_left, dept) => new { employee_dept_left, dept }
                        emp_emp_dept => emp_emp_dept.employee_dept_left.employee.DivId,
                        division => division.DivId,
                        (emp_emp_dept, division) => new { emp_emp_dept, division }
                    .Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.selectedDiv))
                    .GroupBy(grouped => new
                    .Select((joined, index) => new EmployeeViewModel
                        Id = index,
                        EmployeeId = joined.Key.EmployeeId,
                        LastNm = joined.Key.LastNm.Trim(),
                        FirstNm = joined.Key.FirstNm.Trim(),
                        DivisionId = joined.Key.DivId,

The error message says

Could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See for more information.

I tried using .AsEnumerable() instead of .ToList():

List<EmployeeViewModel> test = emps.Cast<EmployeeViewModel>().ToList();

but this throws an exception.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


  • Problem that this Select is not currently translatable to the SQL. You can make additional Select to solve issue with AsEnumerable().

        .Select(joined => new 
            EmployeeId = joined.Key.EmployeeId,
            LastNm = joined.Key.LastNm.Trim(),
            FirstNm = joined.Key.FirstNm.Trim(),
            DivisionId = joined.Key.DivisionId,
        .Select((x, index) => new EmployeeViewModel
            Id = index,
            EmployeeId = x.EmployeeId,
            LastNm = x.LastNm,
            FirstNm = x.FirstNm,
            DivisionId = x.DivisionId,

    And note that query is more readable in Query syntax when there are joins.

    var query = 
        from employee in this.DbTracsContext.Employees
        join dept in his.DbTracsContext.Depts on employee.EmployeeId equals dept.EmployeeId into employee_dept_left
        from dept in employee_dept_left.DefaultIfEmpty()
        join division in this.DbTracsContext.Depts on employee.DivisionId equals division.DivisionId
        where string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.DivisionSelection) || filter.DivisionSelection == "0" || employee.DivisionId == filter.DivisionSelection
        group employee by new { employee.EmployeeId, employee.LastNm, employee.FirstNm, employee.DivisionId } into g
        select new
            EmployeeId = g.Key.EmployeeId,
            LastNm = g.Key.LastNm.Trim(),
            FirstNm = g.Key.FirstNm.Trim(),
            DivisionId = g.Key.DivisionId,
    var emps = query
        .Select((x, index) => new EmployeeViewModel
            Id = index,
            EmployeeId = x.EmployeeId,
            LastNm = x.LastNm,
            FirstNm = x.FirstNm,
            DivisionId = x.DivisionId,