How can I access the objects property in this situation?
Araba araba = new Araba();
araba.Renk = "mavi";
araba.fiyat = 12345;
// I created this class and it working normally
ArrayTypedStack asd = new ArrayTypedStack(10);
object araba2 = asd.Pop();
araba2. //cant access
Here you are assigning the value of asd.Pop()
to a variable of the type object
is the root of all objects (all objects inherit from it and can be casted to it) and as such has no real information about what it is. It's just like any object in real life is a thing
The solution here is to declare the araba2
as the type Araba
, that will give you access to all the properties on the next line.
I don't know the implementation of the ArrayTypedStack
and what the Pop()
method looks like (it's return type) so it's possible that this will give you an error, saying that it can't convert an object to the type Araba. This is the type safety implemented in .NET. You have to convince .NET that it's of the type Araba
, this can be by casting
Araba araba2 = (Araba)asd.Pop();
this can still give an error on runtime if the object returned from Pop()
isn't of the type Araba
, in this case you can ask .NET to try to cast it, there are serveral options for this:
object popResult = asd.Pop();
if (popResult is Araba) {
Araba araba2 = (Araba)popResult;
// can be written as follows:
if (popResult is Araba araba3) {
araba3.fiyat = 65432;
// can also be done as follows
Araba araba4 = asd.Pop() as Araba;
if (araba4 != null) {
araba4.fiyat = 84368;