I have a project with fastify, apollo server fastify and nx. I want to add a script to build my code and run the js files. the problem is that if I make any changes in ts file it wont recognize to re run the js files. what should I do? btw I can't use ts-node for runnig my ts code because I have used custom libraries and I have to first build my code.
my current script:
"serve": {
"executor": "@nrwl/workspace:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"tsc -p tsconfig.app.json -w",
"tsc-alias -p tsconfig.app.json -w",
"nodemon ../../dist/apps/server/authentication/index.js"
"cwd": "apps/authentication",
"parallel": true
I made a custom executor, I hope this help someone else:
"start": {
"executor": "@nrwl/workspace:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"nodemon -e ts,graphql --exec \"nx run server-authentication:start-nodemon\""
"cwd": "apps/server/authentication",
"parallel": false
"start-nodemon": {
"executor": "@nrwl/workspace:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"nx run server-authentication:ts-build",
"node ../../../../dist/apps/server/authentication/src/index.js"
"cwd": "apps/server/authentication",
"parallel": false
"ts-build": {
"executor": "@nrwl/workspace:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"tsc -p tsconfig.app.json",
"tsc-alias -p tsconfig.app.json",
"ncp src/schema ../../../../dist/apps/server/authentication/src/schema",
"ncp .env ../../../../dist/apps/server/authentication/src/.env"
"cwd": "apps/server/authentication",
"parallel": false