How to make the progress bar size same on same line at all command prompt window sizes without splitting into half or even multiple times when adjusting the cmd window size?
def progress bar(stream, chunk, bytes remaining):
percent = 100 * (float (bytes remaining) / stream file size)
bar = '█' * int(percent) + '-' * int((100 - percent))
print(f"\r Downloading: |{bar}|{percent:.2f}%", end="\r")
width = os.get_terminal_size().columns
remainder = width - len_text
bar_chars = int(percent/100) * remainder
fill_chars = remainder - bar_chars
bar = '█' * bar_chars + '-' * fill_chars
If you are ok with it being off on a window resize until it's redrawn, then you're done. If you want it to redraw immediately, you need to add a signal handler for signal.SIGWINCH.
Now all that being said, you could just use a library like Enlighten that already handles all of this and includes other features like color and multiple progress bars.
import enlighten
manager = enlighten.get_manager()
pbar = manager.counter(total=file_size, desc='Downloading', unit='bytes')
# This part will vary based on your implementation, but here is an example
while len(data) < file_size:
chunk = get_next_chunk()
data += chunk
There's an example ftp downloader in the repo.