i am a beginner in AWS, and I encountered this problem very early on. I created an EB environment and a code-pipeline in AWS. So whenever I push something to the repository, the app gets deployed. So for now I just have a "Hello world" node.js app, but I want to install the sharp npm dependency for later on. When I put the dependency in the package.json file and push it to the repo, a get the following error: error on deployment. I have done a lot of googling, and I think it has something to do with setting permissions to install the sharp dependency. However, none of the solutions I found have worked so far. If anything is unclear, I apologize and let me know :).
Please reference my "workaround" solution provided in the following GitHub Issue (Fails to install on AWS ElasticBeanstalk with node16 #3221) for a full explanation.
cd /var/app/staging
sudo -u webapp npm install sharp
Ex. Sample project structure:
├── app.js
├── index.html
├── .npmrc_bkp
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── .platform
│ ├── confighooks
│ │ └── prebuild
│ │ └── 00_npm_install.sh
│ └── hooks
│ └── prebuild
│ └── 00_npm_install.sh
└── Procfile
Hope it helps!