I need to scrap some data from this url: https://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/coupe
The data/results I need to scrap are located in those 3 different tabs:
I'm unable to click on the onclick element which should let me switch from a tab to another.
Here the html code for one of the 3 onclick elements:
The 3 onclick elements differ from each other by the number at the end:
return sendRequest(5,'/definition/coupe//0');
return sendRequest(5,'/definition/coupe//1');
return sendRequest(5,'/definition/coupe//2');
I tried to find them by link text, partial link text, xpath and css selector.
I've followed this thread: Python + Selenium: How can click on "onclick" elements?
Also try the contains and text() method.
Without success.
There are a few ways you could do this. I chose the method I did because the page reloads causing the elements to become stale.
#Get the URL
#Find the parent element of the tabs
tabs = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'vtoolbar')
#Get all the list items under the parent (tabs)
lis = tabs.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'li')
#loop over them (skipping the first tab, because that's already loaded)
for i in range(1, len(lis)):
#Execute the same JS as the page would on click, using the index of the loop
#Sleep to visualise the clicking