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How do space-filling parameter grids change when we call them by parsnip and recipe packages?

According to this ( page, the output of a grid function may vary depending on whether we use a parameter object produced by parsnip and recipes, or we directly use a parameter object. However, it is not clear how one can obtain the parameter range if we use parameters object created from a model or recipe. For example, the default range of neighbors() is [1, 10]. When I use

myGrid <- grid_latin_hypercube(extract_parameter_set_dials(x), size = 25)

where x is a model, and obtain the range using


I get some values for my neighbors that fall outside [1,10]. How can I obtain the default range of neighbors when I use a parameters object created from a model or recipe?


  • As you saw in the documentation:

    the parsnip and recipe packages may override the default ranges for specific models and preprocessing steps. If the grid function uses a parameters object created from a model or recipe, the ranges may have different defaults (specific to those models)

    You can see the ranges by looking at the object element of the parameter set object.

    knn_spec <- nearest_neighbor(neighbors = tune())
    #> [[1]]
    #> # Nearest Neighbors (quantitative)
    #> Range: [1, 15]

    Created on 2022-05-13 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)